I'm putting together all the pictures I've taken so far! {haha}
Here are a few of them :)
It's my theme this week. YES.
Me and Tia at Sammy's last Thursday to celebrate getting through the LONGEST week of school in history.
And of course a big bowl of my favorite Spongebob Mac & Cheese. Last college meal before going home to real food!
I got to go to Harrison's Greek play of the Illiad.
He was Hector.
And stole the show with his death scene.
Wouldn't be a trip home without visiting Dal at the Mag's.
Ps. Me and Mad both quit Maggie Moo's, yet this picture was on the slide show for a good 10 minutes. Dallin couldn't get it off the screen.I made 6 potatoes worth of deep-fried homemade fries to eat with the leftover 5 guys fry sauce. And it was incredible. My deep-frying roommie Kati would be proud.
Dal and Ange's painted pumpkins...Lady Gaga; Ron Weasley and Ange.
FINALLY got to wear my Pat Benatar shirt. After 3 washes.
25 years in an attic will do things to clothes.
FINALLY got to wear my Pat Benatar shirt. After 3 washes.
25 years in an attic will do things to clothes.
Dallin throwing M&M's at Mad and Ange to prepare them for a potentially routy performance at the ward Christmas party.
My NEW BOOTS! I'm obsessed.
Even though I'm 6'1 in them...{hehe}
My NEW BOOTS! I'm obsessed.
Even though I'm 6'1 in them...{hehe}
DUDE. Rock on. Go us. What a good week. And guess what!? It's not even over yet! Yahoo!