
Thiiiiis is the Way I Live

Yes, it's true.

I deleted my facebook.

It's really nothing to be too worried about.
I'm still here.
I still have a cell phone, blog, an actual body, etc.
You can still contact me within minutes...
The only difference is, you can't tag pictures of me.
Yep, that's about it!

I don't hate texting, or even a quick phone call.
I'm still here.

So anyway, here's a few photos!


Jimmy Johns with Tia and Cat :)

First lunch made in Rexburg (steak fajitas)

Love at first sight: Twizl Berry.

It's stimulating.

I miss my cuddle buddy.


  1. i misssssssss youuuuuuuuuuu on faceboooooooooook! but, i will survive. glad you're loving spring semester!!

  2. haha yeah dude it was alllll you. i couldn't think of ANYTHING!


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