Call me crazy for blogging at a time like this. I just have 1,523,792 things going through my mind right now.
1. Closure. Blessed closure. Thank you, sir. I love you, but no longer in the way I hated to.
2. Packing. I've not started. Moving out tomorrow? Yeah. Procrastinator-nator!
3. Homework. 5 papers due in 2 hours. I can't believe this.
4. Work. Shift changes to 6am-10am. I have to leave my house by 5:30.
5. Friends. Get to be with them 24/7/365 starting in 20 hours.
6. Family. Sure going to miss them. Good thing I don't have to make a weekend trip just to see them anymore!
7. School. Can you just tell me if I'm going to get in yet? I'm dying here.
8. Chloe. I'm going to miss my baby puppy! She's cute.
9. Jackie. She's like my best friend right now. I'm grateful for the time we've spent together the last few months. I love her like a sister!
10. Dear Home. With all the food, warmth, and comfort. I love you.. Goodbye. It may be for good this time.
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life.
And I'm feeling good.
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